We’ve all heard that word ‘super food’ before, but what does it actually mean? Are super foods really that good for us, or were they just invented by marketers to convince you to part with your money?

Let’s get through false definitions to discover the true story behind super food

What is “Super foods”?

Until now, there are no standards definitions for super foods. According to Wikipedia, “Super foods are used by marketing to describe foods that have many health benefits. Super foods contain lots of nutrients and can give your body the vitamins and minerals you need to maintain, grow and feel healthier”

However, the word super food is not commonly used by dietitians and scientist

According to the British Cancer Research Association, the word super food "is really just a marketing tool, with no scientific background."

Macmillan Dictionary defines super foods as "foods that are considered to be very good for your health and may even help some medical conditions".

The Oxford Dictionary defines a super food as "a nutritious food that is considered to be particularly beneficial to health."

In your opinion, do super foods really exist?

The answer is "Yes", they really exist. But the problem here is that the word "super food" is often used by marketers to sell expensive products but the amount of nutrients they provide is not much different from regular vegetables or fruits. The information about super foods makes you believe that just eating a super food will solve all problems, and do not concern about building another diet which are more suitable.

It does not mean that are fake all products with super food labels. The truth is  you absolutely can believe in super food, but with more caution about your money, you'll still discover how to enjoy them as part of a scientific diet and you'll enjoy this experience!

Aren’t super foods expensive though?

Not really, foods such as eggs, broccoli, kale, avocado, almonds or pomegranate ... can be bought easily.

If you can’t buy expensive super food, research and consider buying other foods that also provide the same nutrients.

Every priced product has its own reasons, you should only judge the product based on your needs. And because each type of super food brings different nutritional value, please become a smart consumer in choosing your products.

Super foods are still an obscure definition of science. it is still controversial as well as there is no exact super food list

With public survey on PRNewswire, released by Today's Dietitian and Pollock Communications asked 1,342 dietitians that what kind of food they believe is the healthiest in 2019, and below are the top 10 super food lists that dietitians keep an eye on:

1. Fermented foods (yogurt ...)

2. Avocado

3. Seeds: sunflower seeds, pine seeds, pumpkin seeds, split seeds ...

4. Grains

5. Exotic fruits: Acai berry and golden berries

6. Blueberries

7. Beets

8. Nuts: walnuts, macca, chestnut ...

9. Coconut products

10. Non-dairy milk products (soy milk, almond milk, macca nut milk ...)

If you are a person who cares about your health, expect great benefits from a healthy diet? Come to Nam An Market to discover and experience the wonders from food.



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