
Dates Medjool 340G

Origin: Usa
Packaging: Box
icon stock 9 in stock
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SKU: 290003234000

Delivery Area: Just only HCM City


Jumbo Medjool Dates are one of our crown jewels at Nuts.com. Plump, moist, and luscious, medjool dates are simply divine. They're extremely large and meaty with a tiny pit. Naturally sweet with no sugar added, Medjool dates make a healthy treat packed with potassium

Our Registered Dietitian and Health Nut likes jumbo Medjool dates (nickname: king of dates) because they are large and naturally sweet with no added sugar. One serving of Medjool dates is about 5 – 6 dates and each serving delivers insoluble and soluble fiber, which can help to balance blood sugar levels. Medjool dates (pits removed) make a delicious base for DIY energy bites mixed with other Health Nut favorites like cacao nibs, quinoa puffs, and dried apricots.

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 Dates Medjool 340G

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