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Super Thin Rice Paper Duy Anh 300G

Origin: Vietnam
Packaging: Pack
icon stock 0 in stock
SKU: 290020159000

Product Description:
Duy Anh 300g Ultra-Thin Rice Paper is a popular product known for its thinness and crispiness, making it perfect for wrapping delicious fillings or enjoying as a crispy snack.

  • Spring Rolls: Ideal for making fresh and tasty spring rolls with your favorite fillings.
  • Meat Rolls: Perfect for wrapping meats, vegetables, or other ingredients.

Product Ingredients:
Wheat starch, water, salt, oil, and other ingredients.

Usage Instructions:
Use for making spring rolls, meat rolls, or enjoy as a crispy snack.

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 Super Thin Rice Paper Duy Anh 300G

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