
Aus Broccoli 500G

Origin: Australia
Packaging: 500G
icon stock 12 in stock
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SKU: 290010819000

Delivery Area: Just only HCM City

Broccoli has long been considered a superfood for human health. Broccoli has great nutritional value. It is a very rich food source of iron, protein, calcium, chromium, carbohydrates, vitamin A and vitamin C.
Product Details:
Broccoli is high in anti-aging substances like vitamine C, E and beta-carotene, rich in fiber, which helps reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer; rich in iron and acide folique helps fight anemia.
In addition, broccoli contains lots of phytochemicals and antioxidants, substances that help the body fight various diseases and infections. Here are some of the proven health benefits of broccoli.
1. Anti-cancer
2. Control diabetes
3. Prevent anemia
4. Improve the immune system
5. Help the fetus to be healthy
6. Against aging process
7. Aiding digestion
8. Reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure
9. Enhancing eyesight
10. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease
11. Prevent osteoporosis
12. Reduce the risk of heart disease
13. Prevent prostate cancer
14. Reduce stomach pain, stomach cancer
15. Help with weight loss
16. Preventing the possibility of bladder cancer

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 Aus Broccoli 500G

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